Ray Pedersen Says: Save My Ball!
A couple of days ago, I was interviewed on Dori Monson’s KIRO Seattle radio show about the Save The 76 Ball petition campaign. Hundreds of Dori’s listeners have rallied to sign the petition, including Dori himself (thanks!). But the most extraordinary thing to come from this interview was an email I received from Ray Pedersen, a man with a very personal relationship to the 76 Ball. Well, let’s let him tell you about it himself:
Kim: It’s a small world. A friend of mine and fellow alumni of The Art Center School of Pasadena told me you were on a program the other day and sent me this info on you. I am the guy who was creative director in 1955 on the Union Oil account for Young and Rubican Advertising in L.A. I designed the ball for the Seattle World Fair (their SkyRide) and it was so stunning that Fred Hartley wanted it done for all Union Oil Stations. He called it "Pedersen’s Balls." It was much fun. I had a small one made so it would just fit in my Beechcraft Bonanza and we went all over the country shooting beautiful scenes and put the ball up on a pole and what do you know?…. a gas station in front of the magnificent Grand Canyon, Monument Valley, San Francisco Bay Bridge, etc.
Here is a snap of me getting the ball ready at the Grand Canyon location.
Save my ball! (have a housefull plus a basketball with the logo)
Ray Pedersen
Stay tuned for more from Ray, who is still creatively active at 80, and off to Iceland to brand glacial water for Icelandia PLC!
February 21, 2006 @ 2:59 pm
Your story has made it to England 🙂 I live here in the UK, and visit California regulary. I am lucky enough to have one of the little 76 balls for my car. The west coast would not be the same without the prominent 76 balls. I wish you every success with your very worthy campaign.
February 21, 2006 @ 3:01 pm
This is gay!
February 21, 2006 @ 3:02 pm
Like the Mobil station design of the sixties the Unocal 76 is some of the best of US design. Keep it!!
February 21, 2006 @ 3:14 pm
Europe is roused – we’ve seen how your faceless corporate leaders in the USA have eroded your independence, told you 76 is flat, and coldly cut down your balls. – and we will not stand by and let this happen.
We may have our occasional differences, but we realise our cousins in the USA need all the support they can get to win this battle.
Here’s one Brit who pledges his vacation money (I’m there in July) will be spent in any other petrol station but 76 – unless it has a big orange ball over the forecourt.
Good luck – remember, the world is watching and willing you on in your brave endevours.
James, Whitchurch, Shropshire, England.
February 21, 2006 @ 3:18 pm
I’m in the UK, but even to me all the way over here the 76 Ball is an classic symbol, an icon … would I be going too far to suggest that the stars in the US flag are replaced with orange balls, well maybe. Good luck …
February 21, 2006 @ 3:29 pm
The 76 ball is one of those things that you’d see in films and tv from the States.
A few years ago, I took a bus trip from Las Vegas to Los Angeles. On one of our scheduled stops, I took a great pic of the sun setting right beside the 76 ball and it will always remind me of a great holiday.
The 76 ball is an icon. Maybe not as recognisable as McDonald’s golden arches, but still something people know and associate with the west coast.
Why take something that’s just a little bit different and replace it with the same old, same old, bland, homogenised blah flat signage?
Now this campaign has made it to Ireland. It’s a global phenomenon! Maybe the powers that be will see that they’ve got something special here and decide to keep it.
Here’s hoping, huh?
February 21, 2006 @ 3:36 pm
They managed it in Spain with the black bulls that advertised brandy
Kids need something to spot on car journeys!
Here in the UK, every high street looks the same now. They even did away with the red telephone boxes where they could
Dave, England
February 21, 2006 @ 3:39 pm
When visiting California I have used 76 as the gas station of choice, ever since one let me have a baseball in the 76 colours and a “ping-pong” ball for my car aerial, which is quite a rarity here in the UK! The 76 balls, like the Denneys signs are great symbols of USA motoring and should be retained.
Good Luck
Leeds, UK 🙂
February 21, 2006 @ 3:46 pm
What kills me is how we are deliberately destroying or dismantling everything that is or was ever creative about our society. What the hell is going on? We’re using the same damned space shuttle that was developed in the 1970s; the Routemaster bus is being replaced with bland boxes; the world-renown red phone boxes were replaced with horrid plexiglas receptacles. It’s almost as if we don’t invent anything anymore, and want to destroy anything unique that was created and replace it with something more lazy and boring. The only thing we have left is Apple.
Bring back the ball, build a spaceship to Mars, build a better Concorde (because we can and because there are ways to make it profitable)… LIVE a worthwhile life, damn it.
…and use gigantic fiberglas emblems or mascots for simple eating establishments once again.
February 21, 2006 @ 4:13 pm
I’m happy to see this going on. While it seems a little silly to crusade after a 76 ball, I guess, I’m glad I’m not the only one who was disappointed when the one in my hometown got tossed a few years ago, when Pelham was ‘moving up’, as it were. Corporate streamlining of American culture is the reason we’re losing what culture we have today, and I’m very glad to see our European friends caring about this one issue so much as well.
February 22, 2006 @ 2:24 am
Are you from Pelham ,New Hampshire or Massachusetts?
February 21, 2006 @ 4:13 pm
Stop Making Changes just to make changes. The 76 Ball has become part of how we define ourselves, and what are we doing? Taking it down! Save the money on signs and use it instead on getting the gas prices under control.
W.A. Nichols
Springfield, Oregon
February 21, 2006 @ 6:12 pm
Ok, maybe the 76 ball is not beautiful, but honestly, how many roadside neon signs really are? At least this one has style and originality. And if millions of people had these little things on their car antennas, then why the heck would a company choose to destroy the original? Obviously they’ve got something going for them, something that sets them apart from the others. Removing these signs will only relegate 76 gas stations to the mundane world of the Exxons, Chevrons, and all the others. The company is shooting itself in the foot – unless of course it hopes business at 76 stations will go down as a result, and they’ll be able to just rebrand them all or close some down in markets where they compete with other stations they already own. Who knows what’s on those Texan minds?
February 21, 2006 @ 6:13 pm
From the 50s to now, the Union 76 orange ball was a sign of quality in gasoline. I still carry a Union credit card after 35 years. The orange ball is as Southern California as the Bob’s Big Boy Burger sign in the San Fernando Valley, or the Hollywood sign. Keep it up!
Jeff, Sacramento
February 21, 2006 @ 6:20 pm
Why get rid of them? It’s an American icon, it has to be saved. Too many of this type of landmark are disappearing for no good reason! I wish you well with your campaign.
Telscombe Cliffs
February 21, 2006 @ 7:10 pm
One of the joys of visiting other lands is the wierd and wonderful things that you see that make you go, “Wow…look at that! We’re in Loonyville now!” Eccentric icons such as the 76 balls MUST be saved or else one country will start to look like another and where would the fun in that be?
Monster Cracking Shipper, UK
February 21, 2006 @ 8:47 pm
Need I say more than. It is not your company. It is not government owned it is their logo/property and has nothing to do with any of you. Every company makes their own decision… if you dont like it buy the shares and get your say….
Lets rebuild the Hindenberg…It didnt work but stood for a lot and was well known. I also would like to see the first lightbulbs come back. Although they lasted mere minutes they were traditional and stood for something.
February 21, 2006 @ 9:14 pm
I agree; this is conservatism for the sake of it. Innovation and improvement means change. Put your 76 ball in a museum if you want, but let the company move on so that it may improve its operations, to the benefit, afterall, of its consumers.
This campaign reminds me of the Coca Cola flavour change; indeed flavour enhancement (blind tests showed that it was markedly better). It was due simply to ultra-conservatism, based on wanting to keep old Coke just because it always had been that Coke was prevented from improving its product for the customers.
February 21, 2006 @ 9:35 pm
I don’t understand why marketing executives feel the compulsion to throw away years of brand identity like this. Corporations change “image” like I change underwear. It’s a waste of money and I think it can backfire. Remember when Holiday Inn changed their signs– who stays at Holiday Inn anymore? Was it worth it?
February 21, 2006 @ 10:26 pm
That’s right!… I have a half 76 Ball hanging over a window in my den… When the sun shines though that window it’s beautiful… I’ve had it for years… All my friends are jealous and have even been offered money for it.
I’d love to post some pictures of it for this site… Who would I send those to?
The editrix comments:
And here’s a photo of Tommy’s ball!
Isn’t it beautiful?
February 21, 2006 @ 10:38 pm
If there is one issue of paramount importance to humanity, this is it. The entire global economy should be put toward prolonging the existence of an orange ball. Work should begin immediately on studying how we can help the orange ball survive beyond the end of the universe. Maybe we’ll need to create another universe and somehow transfer the orange ball into that existence. Maybe that’s happened already? Maybe in a previous universe someone created this universe for the orange ball and now it falls to us to do the same, maybe that’s why we’re all here?
March 10, 2006 @ 10:52 pm
Hey there Anonymous…
I think you are really onto something here. I believe that God gets a little smile everytime he looks down and spots a bright orange 76 Ball… And to think I was getting the impression you were a wannabe intellectual criticizing his/her fellow beings on this planet just because they enjoy the orange ball.
February 21, 2006 @ 10:46 pm
If the city of Dallas can keep the red pegasus as a symbol of the city after Magnolia Oil or was it the Humble Oil company became Mobil which now merged to become ExxonMobil, then for Pete’s sake why can’t ConocoPhillips which has now bought Unocal, aka Union 76, keep their balls? This is the oil bidness people, we have humor AND lots balls – who else would drill for oil in the world’s loveliest places, under some of the most challenging circumstances? Hope the Spirit of 1776 prevails again!!! God bless America AND America’s spirit!
February 21, 2006 @ 10:47 pm
Hearing the news here in Germany it seems a shame to let a unique bit of history disappear to be replaced with nothing! Fight the good fight!
February 21, 2006 @ 11:02 pm
Save the 76 balls.
Th’re the “Dog’s Bollocks”!
John, Ruckinge, UK
February 22, 2006 @ 1:36 am
I’m swedish but have spent many a christmas with relatives in LA, a city short on history but big on iconography of wich the 76 ball is a crucial part.
LA would simply not be LA if not for the wonderfully gaudy and camp billbords, signs, movietheaters and classic publicity gimmics like the 76 ball. Just like the Hollywood sign, Manns Chinese Theater, and the hotdog shaped hotdog stand the 76 ball is kitsch but it is part of what makes LA such a unique cityscape.
May your worthy fight against those tampering corperate bigshots at Conoco be as succesfull as the fight to save classic coke. This pointless willfull attempt to distroy an icon of americana and replace it with what a bland sign in a misguided attempt at modernisation just makes me so angry. It is an example, albeit not of the same magnitude, of the same lack of respect for classic symbols and art as the pointless distruction of the giant buddahs of Bamiyan by the Taliban.
Just south of Stockholm a huge 76 ball has pride of place at the freeway exit to the Mantorp racetrack home of the Swedish Formula 1 GP such is the standing of this symbol among motor afficionados many a thousand miles from it’s balmy smoggy home. May you prevail in your fight to save it in it’s “natural habitat”
Michael S
Stockholm, Sweden
February 22, 2006 @ 2:41 am
I had never seen a 76 ball in person until my first cross country motorcycle trip in 1995. “The Ball” holds no special significance for me, but IF IT AIN’T BROKE, DON’T FIX IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why must there be change just for the sake of change? The popularity of Harley-Davidson as well as the current “retro” automobiles shows that “nostalgia sells” among the American motoring public. JUST LEAVE IT ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brian Killion, Pittsfield, Massachusetts
February 22, 2006 @ 3:31 am
I lived in CA when I was a kid from 1985 to 1987 and one of the things I remember were the bright 76 balls – especially one on a gas station near our home.
If they knew anything about advertising they would realize how iconic and recognizable the 76 balls are!
February 22, 2006 @ 8:48 am
The drudgery of city drive and routine of gas fuelling need some brightening up.
I can’t imagine driving through the city without seeing these cheery orange balls. The marketing execs advising ConocoPhillips should know that the 76 balls are brand icons that scores so high on visibility (you can’t miss seeing the orange balls!) , recall (the ball and 76 go together like thanksgiving and turkey), and overall brand quotient.
Keep the 76 orange balls lit up!
February 22, 2006 @ 9:07 am
Here in the UK a lot of compnies have fallen for this “rebranding” schtick. Some even paid millions to change their names! All it did was put off the public! I say keep teh balls!I remember as a child seeing the 76 balls (American citizen) and comapnies need to realise it is not the familarity that puts off consumers, its apathy on the part of companies!
Give good old fashioned customer service and the novelty and the warm fuzziness of a familiar icon will bring people in droves!Not only that, but iconic signs bring in tourism; people arrive to an area, and look for the easily recoginisable signs and logos. What next….replace the Hollywood sign?!
February 22, 2006 @ 1:13 pm
Good luck all the way from England, we understand that national icons are very important too, and hop that you succeed in your quest!!
Good luck from the UK!!
February 22, 2006 @ 2:41 pm
Save the big Orange balls. My bird loves ’em big and hairy but we both support any sort of balls.
February 22, 2006 @ 6:11 pm
just grow up
February 22, 2006 @ 6:39 pm
Gasoline represents everything that is dirty, greedy, polluting and corrupt about America. You want to save such an icon? That says a lot about what sort of people you are.
February 22, 2006 @ 7:01 pm
Just a quick note to wish you all the best on your worthy plight! Whoever thought about ditching something of such iconic value and history to America – and from a business standpoint, good kudos & brand value – should have their head examined. One of the first things I noticed when I first arrived in the USA – love it.
…yet another fan from London, England
February 22, 2006 @ 9:47 pm
What will I dizzy myself with looking out the window? The rotating ball has saved me from so many boring meetings!
June 8, 2006 @ 7:58 am
Just read about your campaign – I’d seen these in movies but didn’t know they were under threat. It would be a shame to lose something so distinctive in favour of a new symbol which looks like any other sign. Why would they give up such a distinctive brand? It seems spiteful they’re not even letting people keep balls as souvenirs. When British Telecom, similarly foolishly, ditched its world-famous red phone boxes they at least let people buy them. I doubt the company will admit they’re wrong but maybe they’ll preserve a few in certain historic places.
June 8, 2006 @ 8:21 am
Wouldn’t work any other way. Keep the 76 ball!
Best of luck from Northern Ireland.
June 8, 2006 @ 8:23 am
together from this side of the atlantic we stand sholder to shoulder with you. Your balls are my balls, your icon is my icon. Your President… well we’ve got Tony Blair so you can stick with the fool you elected.
Good luck with the campaign.
June 8, 2006 @ 8:40 am
I lived in LA for 4 years when I was growing-up, and I loved the 76 balls. In fact, I used to get annoyed when I saw ones that didn’t rotate, never mind flattened ones!
All the best – it’s classic street furniture that needs to be preserved.
June 8, 2006 @ 9:04 am
Hey folks
Just read about this site and your campaign on an article on BBC news in England. Cant beleive the famous 76 balls are under so much threat, wish you guys all your best in getting them saved. I was on the west coast of the US last year and saw many of them, hopefully I will be there
when I come back!!!
June 8, 2006 @ 9:04 am
Hey folks
Just read about this site and your campaign on an article on BBC news in England. Cant beleive the famous 76 balls are under so much threat, wish you guys all your best in getting them saved. I was on the west coast of the US last year and saw many of them, hopefully I will be there
when I come back!!!
June 8, 2006 @ 9:33 am
Save the balls! It’s madness to get rid of something so quirky.
Love from Ireland
June 8, 2006 @ 9:40 am
It’s great that actor Michael Madsen is supporting this campaign, and also buying an old red London phonebox to preserve at his home:
You Americans need all the history and culture you can get!!! ;-]
Seriously, though, I see Mr Madsen idolises Humphrey Bogart and Robert Mitchum, and looks back to a lost age of cinema, too. I say to him: Why not follow in the footsteps of these great actors and play Philip Marlowe in a new series of Raymond Chandler adaptations? Perfect casting and ideal for raising your profile for worthy campaigns such as this.
From: Stu in London
June 8, 2006 @ 10:12 am
Save the ball! It’s one of the few signs with real personality. We let the Little Chef guy lose weight, and then the chain more or less folded. Balls to their plans.
June 8, 2006 @ 10:22 am
As someone who was born in 1976 I feel a special affinity to this symbol.
I would like to therefore add my weight to this campaign to keep this American icon. As a frequent visitor to LA I will be boycotting any gas station (including Union) WITHOUT one of these 76 balls.
Good luck with the campaign, your support here in Scotland is growing.
June 8, 2006 @ 12:20 pm
this is madness…
its like coca-cola bringing out cans in a green colour!?!
good luck on your mission….
Martin McCaffrey from Belfast
June 8, 2006 @ 12:20 pm
Whenever I visit L.A. the 76 ball reminds you of where you are.
Even when I am back in the UK and see the symbol on TV programmes / films it takes you back to L.A.
Fight for the ball!!!!
June 8, 2006 @ 3:01 pm
I live in Bournemouth, Dorset, England – My husband & I have a classic 1975 VW Beetle in Orange which we have decorated with 76 stuff – in the VW scene everyone loves the 76 ball and it will never die with us! SAVE THE BALL! – SAVE THE BALL! – SAVE THE BALL!
June 8, 2006 @ 8:52 pm
Could I just point out one thing here – ITS A BALL! Who cares?
June 9, 2006 @ 6:02 am
Hallowe’en will never be the same without the orange balls!
June 9, 2006 @ 9:50 am
I live in England, but I grew up in Seattle, and I remember all the cars had the wee balls on the aerials.
If it aint broke-don’t fix it!!
p.s. why didn’t anyone do this when they closed down the iconic “Hat n Boots” gas station??
June 9, 2006 @ 9:59 am
It looks great. why get rid of it.
June 9, 2006 @ 1:24 pm
I’m an English guy and am behind this campaign 100%. Who wants flat when you can have balls?
I will fight for your balls! Join me, join me in this fight for your balls. Together we can enjoy balls and provide balls for our children and our childrens children.
June 9, 2006 @ 1:46 pm
You’ve gotta fight for your balls..
Seriously though.. It won’t be the same without them..
June 9, 2006 @ 2:14 pm
Yeah, posting to a blog is going to save anything…
> Start a drive to get as many people as possible to flood ConocoPhillips with mail, email, and phone calls demanding that the balls be preserved. High-profile persons should present alternatives to destruction (e.g. Seattle-area street art – field of balls).
> Hound every news outlet in the country with updates to the story, including the actions of ball proponents and ConocoPhillips – EXTRA! Another ball dismantled and crushed by ConocoPhillips! Elementary school students hysterical with confusion and fear! EXTRA! One millionth postcard mailed petitioning ConocoPhillips to stay their destructive assault on the 76 balls! 40 millionth email sent by 96-year-old LA area resident! Project PhoneJam a success! ConocoPhillips telephone lines tied up for 10 hours on July 11th!
> Coordinated guerilla action to “rescue” existing balls. Yep, steal ’em, then have a volunteer spokesperson turn themselves in to authorities.
June 10, 2006 @ 8:26 am
i bet the company decide to announce they are going to keep the ball.
with the whole world made completely aware of them, and america rejoices, and people in their droves use this company more now, because they feel they have done somthing nice.
and the marketing director, smuggly sits back knowing this quirky campaign and website was a genius idea, recieves a meaty pay check, and plans his next big sting with another company.
or do i have the mind of an evil genius?
August 28, 2006 @ 4:22 am
In San Diego… gone.gone.gone. Damn. The new stuff looks bad,bad,bad. We want the ball back!!