“ConocoPhillips Has Bigger Problems…”
So says an anonymous reader who emailed to share the following memo, recently circulated to employees of the oil company’s Houston office:
Subject: Garage Safety Meetings January 4 & 5
Presentations on garage safety will be held in the West side special events area of the cafeteria.
Information to be covered will include : how to enter the garage
how to exit the garage
where to park
how to enter the COP main building
Please mark your calendar.
Our reader further explained: "CoP just built a new garage/office building in place of a good old flat parking lot. Apparently there are some special credentialing issues involved. My bud has said they’ve made it so complicated he’ll just park in the visitor slots.
This did conjure up some other funnies though, such as courses on going to the toilet and walking while carrying hot coffee. It provided a few engineers laughs for an afternoon."
And how about a course on not throwing away one of the best signage designs of the 20th century?